37th Annual
XTERRA WETSUITS Mission Bay Triathlon

Mission Bay and Fiesta Island

International | Sprint| mini | kids
Triathlon | Duathlon | Aquabike | Aquathlon
newly added 5K!

Sunday, October 12, 2025

🌟 A Historic Event for All Ages and Abilities!
Back in 1974, the San Diego Track Club hosted the very first triathlon right here in Mission Bay—a run-bike-swim-run event that launched a global sport. Now, it’s your turn to be part of history!

The XTERRA WETSUITS Mission Bay Triathlon is proud to host the 2025 USAT State Championship, a prestigious opportunity for athletes! 🏆 As a racer, this means competing for the title of State Champion in your age group and earning a chance to qualify for the 2025 USA Triathlon Sprint and Olympic-Distance National Championships. No qualification is needed to participate, and the top 35% or top 5 finishers in each age group will secure their spot at Nationals. It's your moment to shine on a championship stage and race alongside the best—don’t miss out! 🚴‍♂️🏊‍♀️🏃‍♀️

The 2025 Mission Bay Triathlon USAT State Championships. The Best San Diego Triathlon

Join us at the birthplace of the sport for the XTERRA Wetsuits Mission Bay Triathlon!

2025 is the 37th annual XTERRA Wetsuits Mission Bay Triathlon benefitting Life Sports Foundation. San Diego is the Birthplace of Triathlon! In 1974, the first Mission Bay Triathlon was as a run-bike-swim-run event on Fiesta Island by the San Diego Track Club. Every year competitors from around the country and from around the world, come to Mission Bay to celebrate the birthplace triathlon.  We invite you to become part of this wonderful legacy event and become part of history!

The event offers races for adults and kids,  from complete beginners to seasoned Professionals. There are many different races going on simultaneously, and while a traditional Triathlon is Swim / Bike / Run, KOZ Events, the organizer of the San Diego Triathlon Series,  offers more of a Multisport Race. Our race is very inclusive and we make triathlon accessible to as many people as possible. We have the traditional Swim/bike/ Run Triathlon but we offer so much more. If you do not like swimming, we have the Duathlon which is a Run/ Bike/ Run, if you don’t want to bike then choose the Aquathlon Swim / Run, or if you don’t want to run choose the Aquabike  Swim/Bike. We even have a Mini Distance Triathlon for beginners that want to try out the sport. We even offer free training groups every week to help people get started, train, and get connected to the San Diego Triathlon Community.



We’re thrilled that our official wetsuit sponsor, XTERRA WETSUITS, continues to support all KOZ EVENTS triathlon races. They’ve been a sponsor for over 15 years and have been equipping our athletes with the finest triathlon gear available. If you haven’t already, visit their website to explore their latest high-performance wetsuits—designed for comfort, speed, and buoyancy—all at an affordable price. The owners of XTERRA WETSUITS are both local to San Diego where they also race at many of the KOZ events. For KOZ discount use code during checkout: R-KOZ

International Triathlon: 1000m swim - 34k bike - 9k run 

Sprint Triathlon: 500m swim - 17k bike - 5k run

Sprint Duathlon Run/Bike/Run: 1 mile run - 17k bike - 5k run

Sprint Aquabike Swim/Bike: 500m swim - 17k bike

Sprint Aquathlon Swim/Run: 500 Meter Swim & 5K Run

Mini Sprint Triathlon Swim/Bike/Run (11 yrs & older): 200m swim - 4 mile bike - 1.5 mile run

Itsy Bitsy Triathlon (7-10 yrs old): 100m swim - 2 mile bike - .75 mile run *

5K Run

Koz Events produces this event for the benefit of

Life Sports Foundation

Our Mission is the enhancement of Life "through" Sports.

Life Sports Foundation is dedicated to helping people, including children, of all abilities who are facing physical, situational, or medical barriers to enriching their lives through sports.

Learn How to do a Triathlon, Duathlon or Aquabike on our SD Triathlon Series Website

FREE Triathlon Training Clinics - Get Prepared and have fun!

Silver Strand Half Marathon

Get ready to embark on a journey through San Diego's most iconic races! The San Diego Half Marathon, a breathtaking coastal run of Silver Strand Half Marathon, are your first steps towards an incredible racing experience. But if you're ready to take your athletic journey to the next level, we invite you to join us at the Mission Bay Triathlon. It's an event that seamlessly combines the thrill of swimming, cycling, and running, all set against the backdrop of the stunning Mission Bay. Take in the vibrant atmosphere of San Diego's racing community by starting with the San Diego Half Marathon of Silver Strand Half Marathon, and then transition into the exhilarating world of triathlons at the Mission Bay Triathlon. Your adventure awaits!

Triple Crown of Triathlon

The Triple Crown Of Triathlon - Earn the 3 medals in ANY category (TRI, DU, Aqua, Youth, Relay) at the 3 events. They all fit together to form Triathlon Art.

Want to Volunteer?

Have fun while you earn volunteer hours or simply give back to your community! Click HERE to Volunteer